For nearly 25 years, Chutzpa Productions Inc has captivated global audiences with its remarkable films. Our productions have graced renowned platforms, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, BBC, CBC, Vice TV, OMNI-TV, Documentary Channel Canada, YES-TV (Canada), PBS, Discovery Channel, HBO Europe, Vision-TV, TVO, Pure Flix, YESTV Israel, Ka'an 11, OUT TV Norway, OUT TV Canada, APTN, Télé-Québec, Norway Broadcast Authority and many others.
Our films have garnered recognition at prestigious film festivals worldwide, such as HOT DOCS, Santa Barbara International Film Festival, Vancouver International Film Festival, BIG Sky Documentary Film Festival, Toronto Jewish Film Festival, Warsaw International Film Festival, Berlin Jewish Film Festival, Swedish international Film Festival, Inside and Out Film Festival, Raindance Film Festival, Rhode Island International Film Festival, among many others. As Chutzpa Productions Inc continues to produce compelling content, we remain committed to collaborating with talented filmmakers and producers to share engaging, enlightening, and entertaining films with the world.
*Selected work produced by or with the assistance of Chutzpa Productions Inc.